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Whether your company is big or small, you probably know the importance of every dollar and every minute that’s invested into it.

So, let’s talk corporate video production—one of the best ways to boost the visibility and even authority of your brand.

Creating a great video isn’t “rocket surgery,” it’s really about getting all of the basics down. You should always start by creating a clear message. After watching your video, what do you want people to understand, experience, or take action on? What’s the point of the video, exactly?

Next, you’ll need to choose the right equipment. But don’t worry too much here, you won’t need Hollywood-level type gear. Sometimes, just a smartphone and a good microphone are all it takes to work wonders. Now, editing—this is where the magic happens. Trim the fat, keep the gold. We’ll discuss this more below.

But here’s the most important part – your video has to really connect with the people you want to reach. It’s not just about putting content out there, it’s about starting real conversations and building real relationships with the person or people watching it. You need to think of your video as a first handshake – a first impression. Make it strong.

Fun fact: over 500+ hours of videos are uploaded to YouTube every minute [source].

Ready to roll? Remember, it’s not about making a video, it’s really about making a difference for your company.


Leveraging corporate video production can be a complete game-changer for your company, meaning that you’re helping to connect with potential customers/clients, and to showcase your brand in a dynamic way, across many platforms daily.

By creating truly engaging video content, you’re not only sharing information, you’re also building a stronger brand identity and (hopefully) creating meaningful relationships with your audience, which, in turn, can create more potential leads for your company!

Corporate video production isn’t just about using high-quality cameras or flashy visuals. It’s really about crafting stories that resonate while capturing and keeping your audience’s attention.

Think about creating a video that not only delivers your message but also entertains the viewer(s), leaving a lasting impression. This approach of blending education with entertainment is crucial for keeping your viewers hooked.

You should definitely keep in mind that the length of your video is important. In today’s world, you should always try to aim for 90 seconds or less to keep your audience engaged. We’re just too busy to focus for longer. 

During this short period of time, your message must be clear and powerful, making sure that every single second counts in boosting your brand’s recognition.

The end goal is to use corporate video production to ramp up audience engagement and convert viewers into potential customers.

As you refine your video content, you’ll not only expand your audience but also enhance their perception of your brand. This is about building your brand, increasing visibility, and distinguishing your company from the crowd (ie, your competition).

Understanding Corporate Video Production

To really understand how to make great corporate videos, you need to learn all the little details and technical stuff. Begin with a strong plan for your video’s content – it’s the map that makes sure your video hits your business goals and what viewers want.

Next, write a great script and make a storyboard. The script needs to be interesting to hook your audience. The storyboard maps out each scene so everything makes sense before filming starts. This helps simplify the process a bit.

When you start filming and editing, good editing skills are definitely important. Editing isn’t just cutting clips – it’s putting together a story that looks and feels great. A story that flows and and captures the attention of the viewer. 

Add some catchy music, clear narration, and engaging graphics to really make your message stand out.

Keep in mind that great editing gets the brain’s auditory and visual stimuli involved. Use it wisely and never skimp.

Planning and Budgeting

Before filming your corporate video, make sure that you have a realistic budget planned out. For small business videos, the costs can vary a lot depending on how simple or elaborate/advanced you want it to be. You need to figure this out early so there are no surprises and everything goes smoothly. Don’t break the bank too early!

Now let’s talk scheduling. Sketch out a production timeline with all the major milestones. This isn’t just busywork—it’s your roadmap to keeping costs in check and hitting your goals right on target.

Let’s not forget about resources. 

Got some hidden talents in your team or some unused footage? Use them! It’s like finding money in your couch cushions—saves you a bundle and can really speed things up. It also adds to the personal aspect of your business.

Pre-Production Process

Getting your team properly prepared before filming your corporate video should be mandatory. It’s that important.

Here’s why…

It’s the blueprint for your project. By setting clear goals and understanding your audience, you’re halfway to creating a great video. And let’s not forget the storyboard, it’s where your brand’s message takes shape.

During pre-production, you’ll also pick the right faces for your brand, find the best spots to shoot, and plan your schedule down to the minute. Trust us, getting these right means no headaches later when the cameras roll.

You’ll also need to make shot lists and check all your equipment – you don’t want any problems on filming day. And rehearsing isn’t just optional, it’s honestly the secret to nailing every line perfectly.

Production Phase

Moving from planning to production, this phase breathes life into your video. Your videographer, director of photography, and camera operator are key – they capture your vision with precision through dynamic camera angles and shots.

Good lighting does more than just let you see clearly. The right lighting makes each scene look really appealing and professional, taking your video to the next level.

Sound matters. A lot. Great, crisp audio is non-negotiable, as even minor sound issues can ruin a great video. I’m sure you’ve been there while trying to watch someone else’s video.

It’s essential that your audio team nails this, avoiding any background chaos or distortions. Even the slightest noise can cause problems.

Communication is your lifeline. Keeping your entire team on the same page is very important for a seamless and smooth operation that helps you to stick to the schedule. A well coordinated team avoids costly delays and keeps your project on the fast track to completion.


Now it’s time for post-production! This is where you turn your video clips into an interesting story that represents your brand really well.

The editing software is like a magic wand – it removes the dull parts, smoothly joins all of the scenes together, and makes every frame look great so that the viewer will keep watching. Whether you use DaVinci Resolve, Adobe Premiere or something else, make sure an experienced editor is using it.

Next up, you’ll want to amp up the wow factor with top-notch visual effects. These aren’t just flashy tricks, they spotlight your key messages that will tug at the heartstrings or make you excited. And let’s not forget the sound. As mentioned earlier, crystal clear audio that not only speaks but sings to your viewers, enhancing the overall narrative.

Color grading is like setting the mood at a party. We want to adjust colors to reflect your brand’s vibe, making sure your video isn’t just seen but felt. Never skip over these parts of the process.

Every part of post-production is designed to make your video stand out and grab attention.

Distribution and Promotion

Once your corporate video has been completed and it’s ready for the world to see it, it’s important to have a good plan for sharing and promoting it so people will watch it.

A great first step is to upload your video to social media platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. These are all great spots to share videos and get real views.

Just remember to tailor your approach to match the unique vibe and audience of each site.

Email marketing is also really useful. This lets you send your video straight to people’s inboxes, along with interesting messages to get them to click and watch. But remember, most emails are opened on phones these days, so make sure your emails will look good on mobile devices.

Too many people either forget about or don’t know about video SEO, but it’s super important. When you optimize your video titles, descriptions, and tags, it can make a huge difference in how easy it is to find your video in search results and on sites like YouTube. It helps your video show up right when people are looking for it.

Finally, think about spending some money on ads to reach more people. Buying targeted ads on YouTube and Facebook can help a lot more people see your video.

By creating ad campaigns like this, you’ll be allowing yourself to choose exactly who you want to see your ad based on things like age, interests, and what they do online. By doing it this way, you’ll know that your video isn’t just being watched – it’s being watched by the people who matter most to your business: your target audience.

Best Practices and Tips

To make your corporate video really effective, aim for less than 90 seconds. Keeping it short and sweet is very important for holding viewers’ attention and making your brand memorable. Too long and they will might tune out or click back, which means the video could be a waste.

When making your video, tell a captivating story. An engaging story pulls at heartstrings of viewers, which will help your video leave a lasting impression and (hopefully) drive sales. Pair striking visuals with a crisp, compelling narration to strengthen your message and showcase your brand’s spirit.

Your video should be fun to watch and teach something useful. This approach keeps people interested from beginning to end, which is key to keeping them engaged. Use each moment wisely to educate, persuade, or encourage action.

Include some backstage footage to make your brand feel more personal and relatable. This sneak peek doesn’t just engage viewers, it also boosts trust and leads to real business outcomes. It gives the viewer an impression of ‘real people’, rather than paid actors or b-roll footage.

Resources and Tools

To create a standout corporate video, use top-tier editing programs like DaVinci Resolve, Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, or even Avid Media Composer. These tools are your go-to for cutting and polishing your footage just right, guaranteeing your video is not only enjoyable to watch but also drives your point home.

Don’t let poor audio ruin your video’s impact! Enhance your sound using Audacity, Adobe Audition CC, or GarageBand. These tools are essential for removing background noise and ensuring every word is heard loud and clear.

And hey, don’t skimp on the hardware! Quality cameras, microphones, and lights aren’t just fancy toys, they’re very much needed to boost your video’s look and feel.

Working with a team spread out across the globe? is your go-to for bridging those miles seamlessly, keeping everyone in sync no matter where in the world they might work in.

Want to take your skills to the next level? Check out one of the many online courses focused on video and audio editing. There’s even some great YouTube channels out there, for free, that provide great tutorials and tips.

They’re your fast track to mastering the art of creating videos that stand out from the crowd.

Final Words of Advice

When making corporate videos, remember these tips to create truly outstanding content. First, make sure every part of your video reflects your brand’s personality. It’s not just about displaying your logo; it’s about integrating your brand’s principles into each scene.

To connect with viewers on a personal level, show the real people behind your products or services, as this creates more trust and increases engagement.

Balance is key. Your content should both educate and entertain, gripping your audience from the first second to the last. Why not throw in some behind-the-scenes glimpses or customer stories? It adds a genuine, relatable touch.

Keep your video concise—shooting for a maximum of 90 seconds, if possible. Make a big impact in that short amount of time that will leave your audience craving more. But don’t sacrifice quality for brevity. Sharp visuals and clean audio aren’t optional, they’re extremely important for a great video.

Finally, keep improving by listening to feedback and making changes. It’s the key to becoming a pro at making great videos that convert into paying customers.